Pakistan-France Relations: An overview and future prospects


June 17, 2021

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The diplomatic relations between Pakistan and France were first established in 1947, and on 31 July 1951 both countries agreed to open embassy services in each country. France was thus one of the first non-Muslim states to recognize Pakistan.

Today, relations are mainly structured around four axes (political, economy, defence and culture). Pakistan is the second largest export partner for France in South Asia and cultural relations are strengthened by the presence of three Alliance Française centers in Pakistan (Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi) and regular activities arranged by Pakistan’s Embassy in Paris.

The cooperation between France and Pakistan will be discussed online on Thursday 17th at 4pm by Mr. Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi, the acting Ambassador of Pakistan in France and Mr. André de Bussy, former Councillor in charge of cultural affairs and development in Islamabad, between 2016 and 2020.


Mr. Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi is a career diplomat who joined the Pakistan Foreign Service in 2001. During his career he has served in Pakistan’s Missions in Denmark, Belgium, South Africa, and France. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Engineering. He is currently the Chargé d’Affaires of Pakistan in France.

Chargé d’Affaires Mr. Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi would speak about evolution of Pakistan-France bilateral relations over the years, while highlighting cooperation between the two sides in the fields of politics, economy, defence, culture, heritage as well as education.

He would also present the cultural aspects of Pakistan, including UNESCO heritage sites and other touristic areas that generate interest in the domestic as well as international populations.

Mr André de Bussy is currently City Councillor in Boulogne-Billancourt and Territorial Councillor at GPSO (Greater Paris West).

Before this, Mr. de Bussy was Councillor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs in Islamabad at the French Embassy in Pakistan between 2016 and 2020 after a successful career in French diplomacy as Councillor of Secretary General of COP21 (Paris agreement on climate change) in 2015-16, Regional Councillor at ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta (2012-2015) Councillor of Chief of Protocol / Secretary General of G20/G8 in Paris and Director of French Cultural Centers in Beijing and Toronto.