
A New Concept of Education. A New Era for the Brave

A unique university that prepares you immersed in different global realities, motivates you to live it, and challenges you with real experiences. Dare to transform.

One Million Reasons to Transform

Schiller is the new education concept aimed at people who understand that running in a global world needs smart global performance. The university for those who can’t settle. Through our four international campuses, we provide students with a global transformative education. A learning-by-living experience that allows them to obtain an accredited dual degree (US and European), master global diversity by living immersed in up to four different countries, and increase their international employability by building a flexible path. Success starts with transformation, and transformation happens after a smart decision. Choose your reason to transform and go for it.

Transforming Education in a Real Global Experience

The Real Global Learning Experience

An International Curriculum Focused on You and Your Goals

Choose the program that fits your dreams. We ensure a high standard of excellence in teaching and learning. You are only one decision away.

  • No matter what country you study in, courses are delivered in English and focused on learning from an international context.
  • You will study one course per month and can put all your efforts into acquiring the knowledge and skills of that specific course.
  • If you are motivated to graduate early and have a high Grade Point Average, you can request the option of studying more than one subject per month.
  • We are very focused on preparing students for professional life. To accomplish this, programs are designed to combine theory with practice.
  • We emphasize competencies such as teamwork to analyze case studies and prepare presentations with expert visiting lecturers from the field. Reality matters.
  • Our faculty members are international and bring their expertise and professional experience to our classrooms.

50 Years of History
4 Campuses
5 Study Areas

Experiential Learning - Becoming a Smart Global Professional

130 Nationalities
120 Expert Faculty
20000 Alumni

What Our Community Says


Griffin Hill

My time at Schiller has allowed me to live in different countries. Studying international topics in a practical learning environment is something you can't achieve at other universities.


Lerato T. Shaylor

At Schiller, I was given the freedom to make decisions about my studies and career. I still feel the support and advice from my tutors – some of the most formative guidance I have ever received.


Jeanette Espinal

Director of the Tampa Campus

Schiller International University has become part of my DNA, an institution where educational diversity is truly embraced and understood.


Start your career at Schiller International now!

Do not wait any longer! Contact our Admissions Team for further details. We will be happy to help you achieve your goals.

Do you have any other questions? Please let us know