A Day at Google

Discover how to work in a technological company


April 27, 2021

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Would you like to work with a technology giant?

Working for a large multinational company like Google is a dream many of us have, but the first thought that comes to mind is trying to figure out what to study or wondering what it would actually be like to work for one of the most important companies in the world.

Google forms part of the GAFAM companies- have you heard of this before? GAFAM is the acronym that combines the major global companies controlling the digital world: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft. Surely you’ve used all of these digital companies and, most likely, use them various times throughout the day.

During this session, Patricia Marco Hinarejos, Account Manager of Large Customer Sales at Google, will reveal the secrets of what it’s like to work at Google, will suggest what we should consider when deciding what to study and will offer valuable advice based on her experience.

Schiller International University presents the Bachelor of Science in Digital Business, powered by ISDI: the first international degree that develops the necessary knowledge and skills required for launching a career in the digital sector. Acquire a 360-degree vision of Digital Business by exploring key digital business areas such as management and technology, both areas in which Schiller International University and ISDI are educational leaders. The perfect degree for university students who have their sights set on the future of business.